Canadian dollars to naira

On this page, you can convert Canadian dollars to Nigerian Naira and see the exchange rate used for the conversion. You will also see the value in naira of Canadian dollars over the past 6 months, links to other quick currency conversions that are popular, and a currency exchange calculator with a description of how to use the calculator. Also included is a little definition of what is an exchange rate and who sets the value of exchange rates

Convert Canadian dollars (CAD) to Nigerian Naira (NGN)

1 CAD = N

Just input the amount of CAD to convert to naira

Result: N...

The exchange rate of the CAD is based on international foreign exchange rates (forex) rates provided by our partner.

Please note that this rate does not represent black market rates or actual rates provided by the Central bank of Nigeria. It also does not represent the actual rate you will get if you go to a bank in Nigeria to exchange naira to USD or vice versa

To see possible rates you might get for the US dollar to naira at some of the Nigerian Banks, visit NGNRates here

See historical rates for 1 CAD to naira

The data below shows how the exchange rate of 1 CAD has been changing in the last 6 months. It shows the amount you would get if you changed 1 Canadian dollar in the last 6 months

See historical rates data for 1 CAD to naira for the past 6 months


What is a Currency exchange rate?

This is the value of one currency when compared to another currency. You can say that the value of 1 USD in Naira is its exchange rate to the Naira. This rate varies from currency to currency and changes regularly due to certain conditions

What can cause exchange rates to change?

Other than the Central bank just changing the rate, other things cause this rate to change. Things like an increase in or decrease in Oil prices (in the case of Nigeria) and insecurity can also have a significant impact on the exchange rate. There are other factors like increased government borrowing and inflation.

Who sets exchange rates?

The central bank of a country will usually set the exchange rate regime for the country. In the case of Nigeria, the Central bank of Nigeria has set the exchange rates of major currencies in a range and then try to ensure the rate stays within that window by making fiscal policies or increasing spending.

E.g. If the CBN intends to reduce the value of the Naira to the USD, it will do things that cause USD to be scarce in the country hence, USD will become more difficult to obtain and this will reduce the value of the Naira and increase the cost to obtain the USD. A good example is the ban on Bureau de Change operators in Nigeria which led to the increase of the USD exchange rate from N380 to N570 to 1 USD within 3 months.

Use these Quick Currency Calculators

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Result: waiting...

How to Use the Currency converter

The calculator above converts any amount in 164 currencies of the world including BTC, USD, EURO and GBP. To use the calculator, you first select the currency you want to convert from. Next you put in the amount you wish to convert in the next box and finally, you select the currency you want to convert to. The conversion begins when you click on "Convert Now". You will be able to see the result of the calculation in the box beside "results"

How does the Currency converter work?

The calculator works really well by receiving the details of currencies and amount you input and then performing the required calculation using up-to-date currency exchange data. It is that simple.

Where does the Currency exchange rate data come from?

We source the currency exchange rate data from financial data providers and banks including the European central bank.

How Updated is the Data?

Our live currency exchange data are live and accurate to the last hour. Our historical exchange rate data are accurate and provided as the end-of-day (EOD) rate.

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